Dr. Ruggiero modestly describes the years and years of persistently working through the premises of research with various research teams, making a huge impact. It’s surprisingly easy to read with so many transformations!

The key difference in survival of cancer is nutrition and the immune system. Pg 38

  • In the US and Europe most people are malnourished.
  • Malnutrition is described as the improper balance of three out of four macronutrients:
    • carbs, sugars, proteins, lipids

Microbial strains may hold the key to who we are. Pg 150

  • Different microbial strains give us different behavioral aspects such as courage or honesty.
  • You can positively influence your behavior by discovering microbes that give you qualities.

You are what you eat is no joke! Page 151

  • Food is essentially genetic information which our genes interpret and pass on.
  • When food is corrupted or incomplete (depleted) our bodies don’t have what is needed.

The most negatively charged molecule was associated with the hydrophobic liquids. Pg217

  • Just as if oil and water could uniformly and spontaneously mix.

Heprin performs a novel type of anticancer surveillance and moves into the cell wall. Page 218-9

  • Binding of heparin disturbed the function of the cancer cell’s DNA so it canʼt replicate.

Vitamin D, which more like a hormone than a vitamin, was studied. Page 223

  • Learning about intercellular receptor and Vit D binding proteins (Gc) helped the immune system

The team showed that the brain is directly connected to the immune system through lymphatic vessels (new science). Page 229

  • Autism, Alzheimer, multiple sclerosis to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are dysfunctions of this.

Dr. Ruggiero revitalized current immuno-therapy by Page 250

  • Digging deeply into 13th & 21st-century med tech and finding pieces that fit the new paradigm.
    • Like kicking the immune system into high gear to start fighting enough…to include cancer.

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